What’s up, dude!
Are you looking to improve flexibility, increase muscle tone, AND relieve stress?
Learn more about the founder of Yoga for Dudes, Larry Milburn, and how you can use the power of Yoga to help you look good, feel good and improve your overall health.
Your first step to better health starts here.
Sign-up for email updates and I’ll send you my beginner’s guide, a custom-curated guide to 20 of the best yoga poses for dudes.

As featured on Guys Talking Yoga Podcast
Listen to Larry Milburn as a guest on the popular ‘Guys Talking Yoga’ podcast to learn more about the Yoga for Dudes founder.
From filmmaker, to podcaster, to… yoga teacher??
My name is Larry Milburn I’m a filmmaker by trade, a passionate podcaster, and just to keep things interesting, I’m also a yoga teacher. I do all of this from my studio in Northwest, CT, and I want to thank you for stopping by!
It all started with a nagging injury…
Like a lot of guys, I got into athletics in highschool playing everything from baseball, football and skiing, to track and field and even did a short stint as a swimmer for a semester.

“You need to get INTO your body.”
– A wise yoga teacher
In my early twenties I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the film industry and tried to stay in shape by going to gyms and generally staying active. That worked for a bit, but I was also dealing with some old injuries that kept creeping up and getting in the way.
The idea of taking a yoga class had never even entered my mind. In fact, I didn’t even know anyone who did it, let alone what it was.
A few blocks from my apartment was a studio called the Center For Yoga. Looked interesting so I stopped in to check it out. After chatting with the two women at the counter for a bit and giving them my athletic history, I ended by saying that due to these nagging injuries I wish sometimes I could just get out of my body. Upon hearing that, one of the women (who I would later find out was the studio owner) looked at me and said “no, you need to get into your body”. I thought, “Whoa! That’s pretty trippy!”
Several classes later, I was hooked. That was in 1994 and I’ve been practicing in one way or another ever since.
From dabbling to doing.
In August of 2020 I decided to take the next step in my yoga journey to get certified. My filmmaking career was cranking along but I was spending too much time at the computer editing videos and dealing with client issues and not enough time focusing on my health. So with the little time I had I embarked on a private mentorship at my local studio here in Connecticut and six months later I entered the studio to teach my first class. That was over two years ago and now I teach almost 6 classes a week.

“My goal is to take the mystery out of yoga and pass its lessons on to you.”
– Larry Milburn, Founder, Yoga for Dudes
Why do I do it?
Do I have all the answers at this point? Am I decked out in the hippest yoga gear sporting a man-bun while balancing my Chakras? No. And No.
But I have been through a lot, and I started teaching soon after I turned 50, and that means I have experience. I’ve been down this road a bit and my goal is to take the mystery out of yoga and pass its lessons on to you in the hopes that I can help you feel better, lower your risk of heart disease, increase strength and balance, and most importantly have fun while doing it.
More than any sport, or any time spent at a gym, yoga has given me results and experiences that have paid-off tenfold. My body awareness has increased, my flexibility and balance is better than most of my peers at this point, and I have the tools and foundation to deal with the stress and anxiety that life throws at me.

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So what’s stopping YOU?
I'm worried because I can't touch my toes.
Everyone else will be better than me and I’ll look like a fool.
I'm concerned the teacher will not know what to do with me.

Yoga is for people who want to stretch and I really like to hit the gym and get a solid workout.
I'm intimated by some language called Sanskrit. What the f*#%k?
My friend tried yoga, pushed it too hard, hurt himself, and said it was stupid.
Well, here’s what I can tell you, my friend:
Nobody cares that you can’t touch your toes.
In fact, no-one in class is actually paying attention to you and your hang-ups because they are too busy thinking about their own hang-ups!
“Yoga isn’t about how flexible you are, how good your balance is, or how you look in your gym shorts.”
It’s about establishing a practice for yourself that makes you feel good physically while simultaneously quieting your mind so you can de-stress and lower your blood pressure from all the things in your life making you nuts.

So whaddya say, dude… ready to get started?
If so, you are in the right place. I can provide simple, easy to follow sequences that will help you start practicing today. Sign-up for email updates and I’ll send you my beginner’s guide, including 20 of the best yoga poses for dudes.
Stay tuned for much more:
Soon I’ll be launching my first course, Yoga Basics for Dudes: an easy to follow, informative series of videos and downloads that you can do anywhere, anytime.

Show off your dudeness with a classic Yoga For Dudes t-shirt as you sweat it out on your mat.
Yoga with Larry [Yoga for Dudes] is such a relaxed environment. There is no judgment about who is most flexible or who can hold a pose the longest. It’s about understanding how beneficial yoga is for us as men as we get older. Larry keeps class comfortable, so new guys don’t feel intimidated, and challenging for regulars so our practice gets better.
I found Yoga For Dudes a great way to get into yoga! There was no stigma of doing yoga or intimidating factor. Just my pace and level to completely enjoy it!
Your site and YouTube channel which I found a month ago has been a game changer mentally and physically. I’m practicing yoga and meditation daily and seeing/feeling better. I’m inspired to see guys like you and I on the mat and in a class.
Larry creates the ideal environment in his classes. Relaxed but focused, with a perfect mix of yogic knowledge, instinct, humor, and attention to detail. He knows how to simultaneously challenge, inspire and reassure all his students, no matter what their skill level may be. His classes are a total pleasure.

©2024 Yoga for Dudes